3 Workflow

The workflow in this tutorial consists of the following steps, as in the Figure: 3.1:

  • Data Preparation: Download monthly NHS prescription datasets and Dictionary of medicines and devices release files (dm+d).
  • Data Conversion: Aggregation and conversion of the locally stored datasets into practice wise dataset achieved using the functions in PrAna.
  • Visualise and Analyse the data: Visualise and analyse the processed dataset using the in-built ShinyApp PrAnaViz.
  • Database service: Linking of the processed dataset to the PrAnaViz can be achieved by uploading the processed dataset to a local or a remote database service, for example, MySQL.
  • Download images and processed data: Users can download processed data as .csv file and publication ready image .eps and .pdf files.
PrAna Workflow.

Figure 3.1: PrAna Workflow.

3.1 Data Preparation

Data sources

  • Prescribing data and Practice information are from the monthly files published by the NHS Business Service Authority, used under the terms of the Open Government Licence.
  • BNF codes and names are also from the [NHS Business Service Authority’s Information Portal] NHSBSA, used under the terms of the Open Government Licence.
  • dm+d weekly release data is also from the NHS Business Service Authority’s Information Portal, used under the terms of the Open Government Licence.

To download NHS prescription datasets, users need to guest login and solve a captcha in NHSBSA information portal, to download the dm+d release files and dm+d XML Transformation Tool, users need to register an account.

Store the monthly NHS prescription data in year wise folder. For an example, store all the 2015 monthly datasets in a folder named ‘2015.’ Extract the dm+d release files using dm+d XML Transformation Tool. The documentation to extract the release file using the tool is well explained in the readme file.

3.2 Data Conversion

Different functions were used in the aggregation and conversion workflow behind the scenes that performs the heavy lifting of a workflow step and finally return the results.

An overview of all functions involved in the data conversion is shown in the table below.

Function Remarks
csv2dat() Combine and convert all the comma separated value (.CSV) files in the defined file path and export it into a single R object
importdmd() Import dm+d files and link it to the BNF code using the SNOMED mapping file
practice_wise() Import NHS dataset files and generate processed individual GP practice prescription dataset
runShiny() Run in-built Shiny Apps in the package

3.2.1 Combine NHS monthly dataset

csv2dat() function supports to combine different monthly NHS prescription dataset files into a single data.frame to process further. For an example:

## Load library

## Set the folder to store the combined file
setwd("<output_data_folder >")

## Combine and convert mulitple files in the defined folder to a dataframe
data201812 <- csv2dat ("< source_data_folder>")

3.2.2 Import dm+d files

importdmd() function helps to import different extracted [dm+d files] [#dataextraction] and return multiple data objects including a data.frame which map each BNF code to its corresponding API(s), strength and medicinal form. Recommended to read the documentation of importdmd() function to know more regarding the different data objects it generate.

## Read the extracted dm+d files
dmdfile <- importdmd ("<dmd_files_source_folder>”)

3.2.3 Generate GP practice wise file

The final step in the data conversion is to generate prescription dataset mapped with the individual API, prescription quantity, medicinal form, and strength for the defined GP practice(s), practice_wise() is used to carry out this conversion.

And before execute the practice_wise() function it is strongly suggested to setup the destination folder as the working directory using setwd() function.

The practice_wise() function require following six parameters, as mentioned in the example below,

  • Combined NHS prescription dataset, genereated using csv2dat() function
  • A character vector containing GP Practices
  • A data.frame containing BNF Code mapped to individial APIs, strength, medicinal form
  • Unit of measurement with multiplication factors file
  • Different medicinal forms with its corresponding codes file
  • Different APIs with its corresponding codes file
## create a data.frame object for the BNF code mapping file
api_map <- dmdfile$api_map

## Unit of measurements
uom <- dmdfile$uomwdesc %>%
        dplyr::rename(UOM = CD)

## Medicinal form
dform <- dmdfile$dform

## ingredients list
ing <- dmdfile$ing %>%
  dplyr::rename(API_CODE = 1)

## Execute practice_wise() function
practice_wise(data201812, GP_practices, api_map, uom, dform, ing)

3.3 Visualise and Analyse the data

GP practice level files generated using the practice_wise() function are used to calculate the total prescribed quantity of different APIs at the particular GP practices and at a particular postcode using the in-built ShinyApp PrAnaViz.

PrAnaViz helps to visualise the total prescribed quantity of different APIs and to explore spatiotemporal trends of different APIs.

For a very quick start to PrAnaViz:


The runShiny("PrAnaViz") function will pop-up the PrAnaViz tool which will allow you to explore different spatiotemporal and long-term prescription trends with the sample dataset.

However, for a better guide to get started it is recommended to see the Section 4.

3.4 Database service

To avoid the large data loading and processing issue, authors strongly suggest to upload the processed dataset to a local or a remote database service, for example, MySQL, and link it to the PrAnaViz. More information on the linking databases to PrAnaViz is explained in the Section 4.2.

3.5 Download images and processed data

Users can download processed data as .csv file and publication ready image .eps and .pdf files, for their further usage and applications.